Last week we freed a wolf from a snare. We were afraid whether an animal exhausted in a trap would make out in the wild. Telemetry collar sent first data just on Monday – it showed that the wolf reposed for two days at the Kielpino Lake and the he went to a military training field. In first days he moved at a rate of several hundreds meters a day, yet with the time passing distances traversed were getting longer. Yesterday, the wolf walked through whole area of the Drawsko Forest Inspectorate and today it is already around Swieciechowo spot in Drawno municipality. We know that it is staying with a pack.
The wolf has gone through the most difficult period after its release and probably the most difficult period in its life. Telemetry collar installed on it should work and transmit data for about a year. We are eagerly looking forward to next data packages from the wolf.
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